Spanish Dictionary

Translation of cursar

cursar     to study    

Translation by Vocabulix


Great pictures. This looks very promising! At what time do you need to be back on Monday? I may have to return early on Tuesday as well, because my daughter's and my son's birthday are on the same date.
We will soon improve our page about language schools, cause we believe that learning with other students in other countries is a great a experience that you will never forget and it helps your language skills.
I'm also not interested in such things, but I had a classmate who recommended the book 'Mice and Men' and that's why I bought it. It is a very interesting book and tells about old times in the U.S.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of cursar
curso  cursas  cursa  cursamos  cursáis  cursan  cursaba  cursabas  cursaba  cursábamos  cursabais  cursaban  cursé  cursaste  cursó  cursamos  cursasteis  cursaron  cursaré  cursarás  cursará  cursaremos  cursaréis  cursarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of study   [ studied, studied ]