Spanish Dictionary

Decir in English

decir     Ella me dijo algo que no sabía. to tell     She told me something that I did not know.
decir     to say    ; to tell    ; to speak    ; to call    

Pronunciation of decir    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ponga la pistolera en el suelo, dijo el policía.

Put the holster on the floor, the policeman said.
El genio le dijo a Aladino que le daría lo que quisiera. The genie told Aladdin that he would give him whatever he wanted.
Tuvo el descaro de decirme que le había mentido a él. He had the gall to tell me that I had lied to him.
decir a nadie to tell no one
quiero decir I mean
decir say said said
decir to say, tell

I suggest that we meet next week online, I will show you the results and discuss our next steps. I received the first examples and exercises. Let us meet on Tuesday, maybe at 11:00? Is that OK?
Once they see a foreign person, their primitive thoughts come up and they start to hate and dislike without any actual reason. Whose fault is this hate? Is the fault of the ones who are afraid.
In order to get to this hidden lake one would have to row beneath a cave. On the other side of the cave the five of us were alone. The lake was surrounded by limestone mountains covered with tropical trees.
Most common translations: ciruela    camarera    azafata    abrazo    tío    sonreír    remo    pintar    oferta    mentir   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of decir
digo  dices  dice  decimos  decís  dicen  decía  decías  decía  decíamos  decíais  decían  dije  dijiste  dijo  dijimos  dijisteis  dijeron  diré  dirás  dirá  diremos  diréis  dirán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of call   [ called, called ]
Conjugation of say   [ said, said ]
Conjugation of speak   [ spoke, spoken ]
Conjugation of tell   [ told, told ]