Spanish Dictionary

Translation of derrotar

derrotar     to defeat    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Los caníbales solían comerse a la gente que derrotaban en combate.

Cannibals used to eat the people they defeated in combat.
Los derrotaron porque el otro equipo fue superior. They were defeated because the other team was superior.
derrotar defeat

I congratulate you on your move to become a private Spanish teacher. People need to believe in you and the most important thing is that you need to believe in yourself. It won't be easy at the beginning.
This kind of struggle is a 'projecting the guilt' one someone innocent. It has always existed, even today there is a large movement against foreigners in Europe and its support is frightening me.
We then went out to have a drink at a bar near the hotel. There were mostly foreigners at the bar. All in all, we had the impression that there were many Westerners living in the city which gave this mix.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of derrotar
derroto  derrotas  derrota  derrotamos  derrotáis  derrotan  derrotaba  derrotabas  derrotaba  derrotábamos  derrotabais  derrotaban  derroté  derrotaste  derrotó  derrotamos  derrotasteis  derrotaron  derrotaré  derrotarás  derrotará  derrotaremos  derrotaréis  derrotarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of defeat   [ defeated, defeated ]