Spanish Dictionary

Translation of desenganchar

desenganchar     to unhitch    

Translation by Vocabulix


Hi David, please send me your contact details, such as email, phone number and address. Is it possible to reach you by phone? I am looking forward to meet you, and you? Best regards and wishes.
When I finally arrived at my destination I still had the task of finding an accommodation. As my acquaintances where with me we started looking together, however we discovered that we were not on the same budget.
The express ferry took us to Macau, a Portuguese colony near the Chinese Guangdong province. Although the distance is not short the express ferry gets there in one hour and is totally modern and reliable.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of desenganchar
desengancho  desenganchas  desengancha  desenganchamos  desengancháis  desenganchan  desenganchaba  desenganchabas  desenganchaba  desenganchábamos  desenganchabais  desenganchaban  desenganché  desenganchaste  desenganchó  desenganchamos  desenganchasteis  desengancharon  desengancharé  desengancharás  desenganchará  desengancharemos  desengancharéis  desengancharán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of unhitch   [ unhitched, unhitched ]