Spanish Dictionary

Translation of destinar

destinar     to assign    ; to destine    

Translation by Vocabulix


asignar; destinar to commit

It would be an advantage if you could send it via DHL, UPS or another Currier, because the parcel was lost once when we sent it with regular mail. Please send me a reference number after you send it.
We will soon improve our page about language schools, cause we believe that learning with other students in other countries is a great a experience that you will never forget and it helps your language skills.
So you are getting used to write in Spanish. But I think you should not worry, as your Spanish is good and you understand everything. You'll enjoy it a lot, once you meet new people who speak it.
Most common translations: desierto    descarga    denominativo    decisión    cátedra    cucaracha    crepúsculo    corrección    contratante    conservadurismo   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of destinar
destino  destinas  destina  destinamos  destináis  destinan  destinaba  destinabas  destinaba  destinábamos  destinabais  destinaban  destiné  destinaste  destinó  destinamos  destinasteis  destinaron  destinaré  destinarás  destinará  destinaremos  destinaréis  destinarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of assign   [ assigned, assigned ]