Spanish Dictionary

Translation of doctor

el doctor     the doctor    
Doctor     the doc    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El doctor me dijo que fuera a su clínica para el tratamiento adecuado.

The doctor told me to go to his clinic for the appropriate treatment.
Llamamos al doctor porque Rose tenía una fiebre muy alta. We called the doc because Rose had a high fever.
El doctor me vendó el tobillo porque me lo torcí. The doctor bandaged my ankle because I sprained it.
el doctor(a) doctor
doctor doctor

Think always positively. There will be very hard times where even the ones who are supposed to be the closest will say things that will disappoint you the most. Listen to them but with caution.
Completely different education and lifestyle make us incapable of putting ourselves into their situation. Sometimes we regard certain acts or certain laws as barbaric while we ignore the surroundings.
We had lunch, checked out a few stores, the market and the beach and returned. The following morning we got up very early, checked out and headed towards the ferry port. Our ferry left at ten.
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