Spanish Dictionary

Translation of ejecutar

ejecutar     to execute    

Translation by Vocabulix


Your surroundings will ask a lot of questions and will try to find out more about your financial situation. They are all cowards and I would not listen to them. Listen to people that you really trust.
Wow, great pictures. You are very beautiful and your husband looks very simpatico! The dog looks like Jojo. I will send you also more pictures from Baltimore, so you can imagine how our life looks here.
We have cut the description though, since it was too long. However, we would like to change the description again, by adding a geographic spot in it or telling the user that it is E-learning.
Most common translations: duchar    diverso    diploma    devoción    despedir    desembarco    derrota    delatar    dañino    cumplimiento   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of ejecutar
ejecuto  ejecutas  ejecuta  ejecutamos  ejecutáis  ejecutan  ejecutaba  ejecutabas  ejecutaba  ejecutábamos  ejecutabais  ejecutaban  ejecuté  ejecutaste  ejecutó  ejecutamos  ejecutasteis  ejecutaron  ejecutaré  ejecutarás  ejecutará  ejecutaremos  ejecutaréis  ejecutarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of execute   [ executed, executed ]