Spanish Dictionary

Translation of exacerbar

exacerbar     to exacerbate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Let us speak in the beginning of next week and arrange the exact schedule. I should get the first answer tomorrow or on Thursday evening. And by the way: Happy Birthday to your little cute daughter.
The film used (positive) is much more accurate in terms of color and pixels. It has a much higher range of colors, but the difficulty is that it is very sensitive and that is has a lot of contrast.
She was a very cute twenty six year old woman from the area, had a perfect English and could be understood well. She told us to put on good shoes and we started walking towards the valley.
Most common translations: estorbar    espumar    esencia    erudición    entablar    enemigo    empeñar    elegible    dáctilo    doctora   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of exacerbar
exacerbo  exacerbas  exacerba  exacerbamos  exacerbáis  exacerban  exacerbaba  exacerbabas  exacerbaba  exacerbábamos  exacerbabais  exacerbaban  exacerbé  exacerbaste  exacerbó  exacerbamos  exacerbasteis  exacerbaron  exacerbaré  exacerbarás  exacerbará  exacerbaremos  exacerbaréis  exacerbarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of exacerbate   [ exacerbated, exacerbated ]