Spanish Dictionary

Translation of flotador in Spanish-English

el flotador     the float    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
El niño estaba nadando en la piscina con ayuda de un flotador.

The child was swimming in the pool with the aid of a float.

Anyway, after an hour or so, I decided to head back to the host family as we agreed that I would return for dinner. I took one of these little yellow scooter taxis that were present all over Cuba.
I received your previous message. Sorry, I did not make the connection earlier, as I did not remember your company's name and have not met Jack Ulmani. You have probably received my address from Allan.
As usually, we had problems with our hotel. At midnight we checked in to our place, and once seeing the room, my wife decided that she would not sleep there. She was right, it was a place with no atmosphere.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of float   [ floated, floated ]