Spanish Dictionary

Translation of freír in Spanish-English

freír      to fry     

Pronunciation of freír    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Ponga un poco de cebolla picada a freír en la sartén.

Put some chopped onions to fry in the skillet.
Debajo de la apariencia fría de Becky, hay una persona sensible. Underneath Becky's cold appearance, there is a sensitive person.
Era una noche fría y ellos temblaban de frío. It was a chilly night and they trembled with cold.

Can we do it one day earlier? 30.April? I probably can't on the 04.05, but I will know just next week. Maybe we can do a phone lesson first and than the writing exercises. I do not feel ready yet.
Wars and struggles are always or mostly based on ignorance, fears and disrespect of the enemies. Unfortunately, the kind of hate which roots in previous wars never stops. Let me be clearer, please.
Swimming in the open water was refreshing and fun and some of us jumped of the roof of the boat into the deep waters. After another snack break the four of us were invited for a Kayak excursion.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of freír
frío  fríes  fríe  freímos  freís  fríen  freía  freías  freía  freíamos  freíais  freían  freí  freíste  frió  freímos  freísteis  frieron  freiré  freirás  freirá  freiremos  freiréis  freirán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of fry   [ fried, fried ]