German Dictionary

Translation of abbauen

abbauen to dismantle    ; to mine    ; to reduce    ; to degrade    

Translation by Vocabulix


bergbau betreiben; abbauen(erz, gold) to mine
abschaffen; abbauen; beseitigen to abolish
Bodenschätze abbauen mine
lindern, abbauen to relieve
abbauen to clear

It seems a little bit like a pot in which you want to be happy and rich and enjoy your luck not caring about others. For example, the population is diminishing (or it was so during the last decade).
Seldom only do such incidents occur, thank God, but the fact is that these incidents, which are started by a relatively small group, need to have a broader support among others in order to exist.
The following day we took a boat trip to see the Los Glaciares National Park, where many glaciers formed hugh lakes. Many ice bergs were floating in these lakes and some of them had bizarre light blue colors.
People also searched for: Zusammenhang    Zirkusdirektor    Zeigefinger    Wärme    Wirrwarr    Wettrüsten    Weichei    Wandgemälde    Vortrieb    Volksschule   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of abbauen
baue ab  baust ab  baut ab  bauen ab  baut ab  bauen ab  baute ab  bautest ab  baute ab  bauten ab  bautet ab  bauten ab     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of degrade   [ degraded, degraded ]
Conjugation of dismantle   [ dismantled, dismantled ]
Conjugation of mine   [ mined, mined ]
Conjugation of reduce   [ reduced, reduced ]