German Dictionary

Translation of Abdeckung

die Abdeckung the cover    ; the covering    

Translation by Vocabulix


abdeckend; bedeckend, zudeckend; Abdeckung covering
Abdeckung; Bedeckung; Umschlag, Titelblatt cover
Abdeckung; Bewältigung coping
Abdeckung, Umschlag cover

I want to work on the country specific terms first, then do a revision of the words that we have entered so far... please give me a few days to finish it. However, I may need to contact you over the weekend, depending on my progress.
If you press the RED X button, you are deleting that word and it will reappear during the translation phase. The X-button appears in the list only after you press 'show my words' and sorry for the delay in answering.
Hi there again. I would love to visit you very much. I will keep that in mind for our next vacation... Your English is very good and I can't imaging that you have just learned it for two years.
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