German Dictionary

Translation of abstammen

abstammen to originate    

Translation by Vocabulix


von etw. abstammen to originate from
abstammen von to be descended from

He also told me that he had build his scooter by himself. I could not understand how a doctor was able to build such a machine on his own. It seems that the circumstances made people capable of many things.
However, if you are able to link to us from another major site (school site, language site, maybe even a good private site), I will be able to convince my colleagues to make an exception and upload your lessons.
We have cut the description though, since it was too long. However, we would like to change the description again, by adding a geographic spot in it or telling the user that it is E-learning.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of abstammen
stamme ab  stammst ab  stammt ab  stammen ab  stammt ab  stammen ab  stammte ab  stammtest ab  stammte ab  stammten ab  stammtet ab  stammten ab     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of originate   [ originated, originated ]