German Dictionary

Translation of Abstimmung

die Abstimmung the coordination    ; the poll    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Nach Baileys überzeugender Rede war die Abstimmung eine reine Formsache.

After Bailey's convincing speech, the vote was a mere formality.
Vor der Abstimmung hielten alle Kandidaten eine kurze Rede. Before the vote, all nominees gave a short speech.
Abstimmung; Abstimmung (figürlich) vote; coordination
Abstimmung durchführen2 to take a vote
Abstimmung durchführen to hold a vote

In this poem there is not any movement, it is only a snapshot of life, it means it is a picture, almost dead, as there is no movement at all. And this is the reason why the poem seems to be calming.
He has helped me to take a decision and although I carried my entire laguage with me I returned to El Panchan for the night. We returned there in the early evening and I was happy to find a room.
We found an password solution to enable teachers and their students to work with your lessons. These teachers would need to enter the password of the lessons and could then continue to use them.
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