German Dictionary

Translation of anstoßen

anstoßen to clink glasses; to initiate    
anstoßen to nudge    

Translation by Vocabulix


berühren; anfassen; anstoßen to touch
anstoßen to be prod

What steered the little fly to the plant? Naturally, we do not know the answer. The human being cannot understand nature because he is part of it, he is inside it. Therefore he cannot judge objectively.
Only if the circumstances support it, such events can take place. Anyway, the ones who make a personal problem a public one and who generalize by blaming the whole instead of an individual are guilty.
On day number 2 we made a day trip to Punta Tombo. We rented a local guide to take us from Puerto Madryn to Punta Tombo to watch the penguins. There were lots of them and walking through their towns was fun!
People also searched for: anführen    aktiv    abschöpfen    aber    Zustimmung    Zocker    Zeitraffer    Würze    Wissenschaft    Wiederanlauf   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of anstoßen
stoße an  stößt an  stößt an  stoßen an  stoßt an  stoßen an  stieß an  stießest an  stieß an  stießen an  stießt an  stießen an     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of initiate   [ initiated, initiated ]