German Dictionary

Translation of arbeitslos

arbeitslos unemployed    

Translation by Vocabulix


arbeitslos; ohne Beschäftigung unemployed
arbeitslos unemployed; out of work
arbeitslos out of work; jobless(1)
arbeitslos sein to be unemployed
arbeitslos redundant; unemployed
entlassen, arbeitslos redundant
Arbeitslos out of work
arbeitslos unemployed

The entire American mass media is now focusing on this event after Monday night's Halloween disaster, in which two people were accused. Only nine others will participate in the coming season.
As I understood from you, the redirection, as you implemented it now would not be necessary. From our phone conversation last week I understood that all language instructions are detected by default.
Is there a way that I could test your Spanish and German lessons? Quality is very important to me. Can you send me a lesson electronically (by email or word)? Maybe you have your lesson ready.
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