German Dictionary

Translation of aufschieben

aufschieben to postpone    

Translation by Vocabulix


aufhängen; aufheben; aufschieben to suspend
verzögern, aufschieben to delay
aufschieben; verzögern put off
aufschieben to defer

The entire American mass media is now focusing on this event after Monday night's Halloween disaster, in which two people were accused. Only nine others will participate in the coming season.
The advantage of this change is that: 1. it improves the response time after every asked word by double. 2. Some do not want to save their lessons, they just want to test it without results being collected...
After a long sleep we ordered a cab which took us from the hotel to the airport. We were a little sad to leave. The flight over the South China Sea lasted two hours. We landed in Hong Kong's new airport.
People also searched for: arglistig    ankreuzen    altruistisch    abwenden    abholzen    Zwischenhändler    Zugabe    Zeugnis    Zange    Wollmütze   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of aufschieben
schiebe auf  schiebst auf  schiebt auf  schieben auf  schiebt auf  schieben auf  schob auf  schobst auf  schob auf  schoben auf  schobt auf  schoben auf     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of postpone   [ postponed, postponed ]