German Dictionary

Translation of Ballsaal

der Ballsaal the ballroom    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Der Ballsaal wurde über einen riesigen Deckenventilator gelüftet.

The ballroom was aired by a giant ventilator on the ceiling.
Die Prinzessin liebte den Ballsaal des Schlosses und spielte dort oft allein. The princess loved the ballroom in the castle and often played there alone.

Luckily it didn't happen to me, my kids really grew up with us all the time. And besides, they are not allowed do that, because they are monitored endlessly. If they don't attend class they could find themselves on the next train going home.
In South American we speak normal Spanish, but sometimes it sounds like music and not as you are used to it from the school books and video tutorials from the language schools that you have learned in Guatemala.
In winter it is a great place because you can ski. In the summer I like being in Paris because it is a very empty city in summer. The people head down to the coast, to Nice, Cannes and similar.
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