German Dictionary

Translation of bedächtig

bedächtig deliberate    ; thoughtful    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Er kippte bedächtig seine Kaffeetasse.

He thoughtfully tilted his coffee cup.

Grammar exercises give the teachers and the students different ideas. We discussed the need for exercises in my previous email, but unfortunately I did not receive any further feedback since then.
I grew up in Angola, but now I'm in Hanover, not far from your border town. I used to study at the university in Boston, Massachusetts. I have graduated from MIT, which is the technology institute.
Listening to music is my passion. When I am at home, I like listening to music. I love nature, eg the sea, vast fields, snow-white mountains and deep valleys. I love to hike in the summer.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of deliberate   [ deliberated, deliberated ]