German Dictionary

Translation of bedrängen

bedrängen to beset    ; to importune    ; to press hard; to throng    ; to hassle    

Translation by Vocabulix


drängen, bedrängen to throng
belagern, bedrängen besiege
jmd. bedrängen to hassle so.

He also told me that he had build his scooter by himself. I could not understand how a doctor was able to build such a machine on his own. It seems that the circumstances made people capable of many things.
Entire communities are blamed for a crime committed by one of its members. Wrong ideas could quickly be spread to other villages and there could be acts of revenge resulting in further mistrust.
We shared a cabin with an elderly couple from Spain. They started blablaing about Spain, about their corrupt government and about their civil war. They should not work in PR, advertisement or sales.
People also searched for: australisch    ausfragen    aufgedunsen    ansässig    angegeben    akustisch    absetzen    abfallen    Zutrauen    Zollbeamter   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bedrängen
bedränge  bedrängst  bedrängt  bedrängen  bedrängt  bedrängen  bedrängte  bedrängtest  bedrängte  bedrängten  bedrängtet  bedrängten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of beset   [ beset, beset ]
Conjugation of importune   [ importuned, importuned ]
Conjugation of throng   [ thronged, thronged ]