German Dictionary

Translation of belegen

belegen to occupy    

Translation by Vocabulix


Grammar exercises give the teachers and the students different ideas. We discussed the need for exercises in my previous email, but unfortunately I did not receive any further feedback since then.
I had a few problems with my Mac. I guess I will have to buy a new one in the near future. I have already found the right product, and I will soon order it from the local hardware dealer.
I come from Bavaria and live in Munich. How are you? Sorry that I am replying your email just now, but again I am covered with work. My boss is back from vacation and gives me many assignments.
People also searched for: befehlen    auswendig    ausgefüllt    aufjagen    anwesend    angesichts    all    abstempeln    abgehackt    Zwangsvorstellung   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of belegen
belege  belegst  belegt  belegen  belegt  belegen  belegte  belegtest  belegte  belegten  belegtet  belegten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of occupy   [ occupied, occupied ]