German Dictionary

Translation of bereitstellen

bereitstellen to make available; to provide    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Alle Daten, die Martha bereitgestellt hatte, waren richtig.

All the data supplied by Martha were accurate.
anbieten; vorlegen; bereitstellen to provide
Angebot; ausliefern; bereitstellen supply
Mittel bereitstellen resourcing services
bereitstellen cater for sb/sth; provide
bereitstellen, liefern to provide
anbieten bereitstellen to provide

He also told me that he had build his scooter by himself. I could not understand how a doctor was able to build such a machine on his own. It seems that the circumstances made people capable of many things.
Completely different education and lifestyle make us incapable of putting ourselves into their situation. Sometimes we regard certain acts or certain laws as barbaric while we ignore the surroundings.
At the bottom a Jeep waited for us and it was only a fifteen minute drive uphill to get back to the village. We explored the village and went to have a coffee at some nice place around the center.
People also searched for: behaglich    bangladeschisch    aufstellen    asozial    anno    anachronistisch    achteckig    ablehnen    Zypern   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bereitstellen
stelle bereit  stellst bereit  stellt bereit  stellen bereit  stellt bereit  stellen bereit  stellte bereit  stelltest bereit  stellte bereit  stellten bereit  stelltet bereit  stellten bereit     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of provide   [ provided, provided ]