German Dictionary

Translation of beschließen

beschließen to end    ; to close    ; to decide    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Schmuggler beschlossen, für ihre Fracht den Schoner zu benutzen.

The smugglers decided to use the schooner for their freight.
Schließlich wurde beschlossen, dass die Rohrleitung ebenfalls eine gerichtliche Begutachtung verdiente. Finally it was decided, that the pipeline was also worthy of forensic analysis.
Wir beschlossen, die Rasenfläche um das ganze Haus herum zu erweitern. We decided to expand the lawn area all the way around the house.
beschließen; entscheiden to conclude
beschließen to sanction; to resolve
beschließen; bestimmen determine
beschließen to decide upon
beschließen decide (v)
beschließen deside

Not only will the trip be a success for LIF but for many students it will be a great experience too. We do not care about the stories about us which have been published during the last few months.
Wow, great pictures. You are very beautiful and your husband looks very simpatico! The dog looks like Jojo. I will send you also more pictures from Baltimore, so you can imagine how our life looks here.
I rarely heard someone speaking so bad about his nation, but again, it wasn't my business. We closed the lights at midnight and hoped for a few hours of sleep. The train shaked and threw us around in our beds.
People also searched for: beinhalten    bedanken    ausschreiben    ausbauen    aufbürden    ansonsten    anerkennen    adäquat    abscheulich    abblasen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beschließen
beschließe  beschließt  beschließt  beschließen  beschließt  beschließen  beschloss  beschlossest  beschloss  beschlossen  beschlosst  beschlossen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of close   [ closed, closed ]
Conjugation of decide   [ decided, decided ]
Conjugation of end   [ ended, ended ]