German Dictionary

Translation of blond

das Blond the blonde    
blond blond    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die meisten Monarchen dieser Linie waren blond gewesen, aber William hatte schwarzes Haar.

Most of the monarchs in this line had been blond, but William had black hair.
Die Ermutigungen des Friseurs hatten sie davon überzeugt, dass blond ihr stand. The hairdresser's encouragement had convinced her that blond looked good on her.
Mein Haar ist von Natur aus blond, ich färbe es aber lieber rot. My hair is naturally blonde, but I prefer to colour it red.

So I do not know what to write more. It seems that you know my entire life by now. Each sentence needs to be constructed in a differnt way. The best part is to write about vacation and nice memories.
I almost forgot to tell you, that the water was brown, despite of its name... Anyway, as I was already close to my next destination I went and consulted with a tourguide of Austrian travelers.
El calafate airport was a mess. The airport was as big as a hotel lobby, but packed with people and all the luggage came at the same time in the same place. An officer checked the baggage receipt to avoid theft.
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