German Dictionary

Translation of Chef

der Chef the boss    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er machte sich nicht die Mühe, sich über den Rüffel seines Chefs zu ärgern.

He did not bother worrying about his boss's reprimand.
Sie wollte nicht mehr diskutieren und tat was auch immer ihr Chef empfahl. She did not want to argue anymore and did whatever her boss recommended.
Mein Chef wurde wegen Betrug verhaftet, und ich verlor meinen Job. My boss was arrested for fraud, and I lost my job.
(Chef-)sekretärin personal assistant
Vorgesetzter; Boss; Chef chief; boss
Chef der Polizei Chief Constable
Empfangsdame,-chef receptionist
Empfangsdame/-chef receptionist
(der) Chef; (die) Chefin chief

I think that these news are a reflection of what people want to hear: The networks are presenting superficial stories because the audience is exactly that and do not want to be confronted with the reality.
Sometimes this is an outcome of personal problems or incidents. For example, there could be a crime commited by someone of a certain origin. The consequence could be that the victims would blame an entire community.
As soon as I went to bed, incredibly loud music starting playing from right beneath my room. The music was so loud that I could not fall asleep despite my jet lag and despite being extremely tired.
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