German Dictionary

Translation of eingehen

eingehen to shrink    ; to enter    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Seine missliche Lage war auf alle, von ihm eingegangenen übermäßigen Zahlungsverpflichtungen zurückzuführen.

His awkward predicament was to be attributed to all the excessive payment obligations he had accepted.
auf etwas eingehen to respond to something
enge Bindungen eingehen to form close ties
eingehen to enter; sink in; be received
auf etwas eingehen to respond to
ein risiko eingehen to take a chance
eingehen, übernehmen to assume

The citizens actually welcomed the shrinking of the population because they thought that the fewer people there are the more place and wealth the rest could share as more resources are available.
I'm so happy that you wrote to me and I miss you! We are doing great. We have settled in very fast. Luise is going to her kindergarden, Sofia to University and I'm going to work driving my car every day.
What time zone are you in or where are you located (city, state, country)? The time and date that you gave is according to your time zone, I guess. But I need to compare it in our log files.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of eingehen
[bin eingegangen]
geein  gehst ein  geht ein  gehen ein  geht ein  gehen ein  ging ein  gingst ein  ging ein  gingen ein  gingt ein  gingen ein     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of enter   [ entered, entered ]
Conjugation of shrink   [ shrank, shrunk ]