German Dictionary

Translation of einsteigen

einsteigen to get in

Translation by Vocabulix


Einsteiger; einsteigen; eintreten entrant
bitte jetzt einsteigen now boarding
einsteigen to get in; to get on
"einsteigen" in to break into
"einsteigen in" to break into
einsteigen, aufsteigen get on
einsteigen to get on; get on
einsteigen (in) to get (in)
einsteigen in to get into
das Einsteigen boarding
einsteigen to step on
einsteigen to enter

I need to write you one more sentence. This is what my teacher told me and the German language is so difficult. So please, as a last favor, would you please write the sentence for me in German?
I told her that when you meet a person and you like that person you start dating him/her. After a while, if the couple stays together they go to the next step and move together or get married.
As soon as I went to bed, incredibly loud music starting playing from right beneath my room. The music was so loud that I could not fall asleep despite my jet lag and despite being extremely tired.
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