German Dictionary

Translation of Färse in German-English

die Färse the heifer    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Wir gaben der Färse Heu in der Hoffnung, dass sie bald stärker werden würde.

We fed the heifer hay hoping she would get stronger soon.

Last year, many parties did not receive votes anymore and had to go to the opposition. The entire area is governed today by leftist parties and the center block is weakenng constantly during the last year.
it was great talking to you. I am so happy that you are married. Here are our pictures. Please send me the pictures of you, your husband, the wedding and of course of your baby dog Vasco.
Thanks for the tip: We will add a lesson on colours! About the topical lessons around the home: Do you have specific words that you think should be added? It will take a while until we upload the new version.
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