German Dictionary

Translation of Fasson in German-English

die Fasson the shape    

Translation by Vocabulix


I suggest that we meet next week online, I will show you the results and discuss our next steps. I received the first examples and exercises. Let us meet on Tuesday, maybe at 11:00? Is that OK?
After that I expect that you do the same. Write me a text in English and the same translated to Spanish. This way we will learn all directions. We will be able to compare the texts and learn.
I got a nickname. Please answer the questions from my previous email (below), except number 4, which is answered on the Vocabulix's faq page. I am ready to start tomorrow, but i need the info first.
Most common translations: Fabrikant    Erzieherin    Erdreich    Energieversorgung    Eishockeyscheibe    Einfamilienhaus    Dürre    Dreieck    Diskographie    Desillusion   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of shape   [ shaped, shaped ]