German Dictionary

Translation of Fixierung in German-English

die Fixierung the fixation    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Die Fixierung des Kriminellen auf sie schien gefährlich.

The criminal's fixation with her seemed dangerous.

One of the users claimed that the speed of the website on facebook was very slow. Did you experience the same issue? Yes, I've also noticed that the site is a little slow, but not so slow as to find it necessary to advise you.
Usually we write these messages twice a week. We also have a fanpage in Spanish where we need to write short messages. It is actually pretty boring but people respond to it. Don't ask me why they are doing it.
To answer your question I'm a college teacher but I am working now for a real estate agency. I'm also responsible for the finances. It's a very lucrative business but I hate it, most of the time.
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