German Dictionary

Translation of forcieren in German-English

forcieren to accelerate    ; to force    ; to push    

Translation by Vocabulix


zwingen, forcieren to force

Brookline Avenue in example will be blocked off for over two hours: Security and protection for my students is very important to me, explains Carole. Drivers are requested not to used these routes.
The vehicle turned west towards the countryside and drove on Route MEX186 towards Escargera and then southwards. I fell asleep soon and had a very bad sleep, as it was colder than I had imagined.
I looked at the street name and saw that we were at the right hotel but on the wrong street. That is when I suspected that there were several hotels with the same name, one original and the rest copycats.
Most common translations: feilen    esoterisch    erleichtert    entschlussfreudig    einhundertvier    düster    dreihundert    deplatziert    charismatisch   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of forcieren
forciere  forcierst  forciert  forcieren  forciert  forcieren  forcierte  forciertest  forcierte  forcierten  forciertet  forcierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of accelerate   [ accelerated, accelerated ]
Conjugation of force   [ forced, forced ]
Conjugation of push   [ pushed, pushed ]