German Dictionary

Translation of Fronleichnam in German-English

der Fronleichnam the Corpus Christi

Translation by Vocabulix


Two weeks ago I met a girl from Indiana and she told me that she was really sorry but that she would have no knowledge about Europe, Africa or Asia and that it was only due to lack of information on TV.
I wrote you an email. Is this still your address? Please respond if so. Anything goes. I am with May tomorrow. I hope that is OK with you... You're checking out the new Ford, I heard. A great car.
Yesterday we launched our online community, in which we want to bring our users together. You can find friends online who are interested in learning languages and exchange lessons and messages with them.
Most common translations: Fortpflanzung    Fleischfresser    Feuerkäfer    Feigheit    Fakir    Ether    Erleuchtung    Entrüstung    Elendsviertel    Einschreiben