German Dictionary

Translation of Furcht in German-English

die Furcht the fear    ; the fright    
die Furcht the dread    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Alle trugen eine Maske aus Furcht eines erneuten Ausbruchs der Seuche.

Everyone was wearing masks in fear of a repeated outbreak of the epidemic.
Furcht ergreifend; schrecklich terrifying; very fightening
La Grande Peur; Die große Furcht Juli/August 1789
befürchten; fürchten; die Furcht fear
Furcht erregend adj frightening
beeindruckend, Furcht awesome
Angst/Furcht haben have fear

Last year, many parties did not receive votes anymore and had to go to the opposition. The entire area is governed today by leftist parties and the center block is weakenng constantly during the last year.
Can we speak on Tuesday to discuss the exact time table for Saturday? Did you book the following flights? Possible Hotels, I recommend the first, as it is newer and in a nicer location, just in the center.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of fear   [ feared, feared ]