German Dictionary

Translation of Gerichtsbarkeit

die Gerichtsbarkeit the jurisdiction    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Anwälte, die in dieser Gerichtsbarkeit zugelassen sind, müssen ihren Regeln folgen.

Lawyers permitted to practice in this jurisdiction need to follow its rules.

There are several different TV programs in the hotel room and depending on the country of origin they broadcast in different languages. I believe European TV programs are much longer and have less advertisement than those from North America.
Thank you for your email! A little question about yourself. How old are you? I think the Americans are using the word color and not colour, but I understand if you are not sure about it.
I'm already in my bed... I am looking forward to the Wimbledon tennis tournament. Football is nice too! Here it very hot. I am missing the rain on the west coast ... I will be back again soon.
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