German Dictionary

Translation of Gewand

das Gewand the garment    
das Gewand the robe    

Translation by Vocabulix


Kleidung; Gewand; Kleid dress

Officials say that the trip will start after lunch at around 1pm, next to the Phoenix Hall at Lili's college in Boston. During the departure of these twenty five crazy kids, major roads will be closed.
Regretably they are fighting at the wrong 'frontline'. They are fighting there because there they can win. Nothing gets solved though. One needs to tackle the real issues and not flee for political reasons.
We felt a little awkward to be the only people in the restaurant and felt a little uncomfortable having taken with us another couple. In addition the Uruguayan cook and owner was drunk, but the food was excellent.
Most common translations: Gerichtsverfahren    Gelbsucht    Gebäck    Galionsfigur    Fundamentalist    Frauenheld    Flugblatt    Finanzminister    Fensterrahmen    Farbenblindheit