German Dictionary

Translation of glorifizieren

glorifizieren to glorify    

Translation by Vocabulix


Hi David, please send me your contact details, such as email, phone number and address. Is it possible to reach you by phone? I am looking forward to meet you, and you? Best regards and wishes.
I even put on my Poncho, a plastic rain coat, in order to protect myself from the aircon-breeze. Somehow I managed to fall asleep and woke up at around six in the morning when we approach Palenque.
We left at Kowloon, where we were looking for our place at night. It was difficult to find the address of the accommodation so we took a cab. We finally got to the YMCA, which cost around 200 dollars.
Most common translations: geschichtlich    gehen    furzen    folgsam    feiern    eskalieren    erledigt    entschieden    eitel    einhundertsieben   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of glorify   [ glorified, glorified ]