German Dictionary

Translation of Hausmeister

der Hausmeister the janitor    
der Hausmeister the caretaker    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Direktor und der Hausmeister an unserer Schule waren beste Freunde.

The principal and the janitor at our school were best friends.
Der Hausmeister war ihre Vertrauensperson und wusste über all ihre Affären bescheid. The porter was her confident and knew about all her affairs.
Der Hausmeister hörte über die Jahre viele Geschichten. The caretaker heard a lot of stories over the years.

Two weeks ago I met a girl from Indiana and she told me that she was really sorry but that she would have no knowledge about Europe, Africa or Asia and that it was only due to lack of information on TV.
Completely different education and lifestyle make us incapable of putting ourselves into their situation. Sometimes we regard certain acts or certain laws as barbaric while we ignore the surroundings.
We paid for the taxi and waited thirty minutes for the driver to arrive. Again, Argentina reminded me of Italy. We drove into town and were looking for a place. The town made a great first impression.
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