German Dictionary

Translation of Herdplatte

die Herdplatte the stove top

Translation by Vocabulix


Herdplatte hotplate; burner
Herdplatte stove top

About the meeting dates: Can I propose something between August 24 and September 26 (in around 10 weeks)? Should I book 2 or 3 full days in the hotel. Gabriella will have enough experience by then.
Maybe we would need to say install our dictionary as a software? But I would say instead of install, use our dictionary as a software. So bottom line. If I use the singular form for newsletters and websites, I am on the safe side for both?
I have accepted you into my friend list, you have to accept me now too. Great! My goal is to have a good level in English, so that I can find a decent job in England or in the United States.
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