German Dictionary

In in English

in Ich bin im Auto. in     I am in the car.
in into    

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Sample sentences:
Die Leiche wurde sofort ins Leichenschauhaus gebracht.

The corpse was brought to the morgue right away.
Die Deckung für die Staffel war bis ins kleinste Detail geplant. Coverage for the squadron was planned down to the smallest detail.
Als wir in den Flur kamen, trat Marcus mich ins Schienbein. When we got to the hallway, Marcus kicked me in the shin.
bezüglich (Satzanfang); diesbezüglich (im Satz); in Bezug auf related; concerning this matter; with reference to
an jenem Tag; an jenem Nachmittag; in jener Nacht that day; that afternoon; that night
in großen Zügen; in groben Zügen in broad terms; in general terms
in Kontakt bleiben; in Verbindung bleiben to stay in touch; to keep in touch
Spezialist/in; Fachmann/ -frau; Facharzt/ -ärztin specialist (in)
Premierminister; Premierministerin; Premierminister/in prime minister
in Erinnerung rufen; zurückbringen; wieder erwecken bring back
in Urlaub sein; in Urlaub fahren to be on holiday; to go on holiday
Einführung in; Einleitung in; Vorstellung von introduction to

Although it is very cold, I love the fresh air there. After an hour and after finishing the getting dressed in warm winter-clothes I am usually ready for skiing. Normally I like to go out early.
I will forward the words to you tomorrow or Sunday, once they give their OK. Which hotel did you book? Did you speak to the Chef de cuisine and can I make the reservation at the restaurant?
The room had around 4 square meters and the bathroom and shower were tiny. I was not content about that, as we could have stayed in a much better hotel for less. But we had made reservations in advance anyway.
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