German Dictionary

Translation of jucken

jucken to itch    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Wegen seines Ekzems juckte es ihn den ganzen Tag.

His eczema made him itchy all day long.
jucken; brennen to itch
jucken, brennen itch
jucken viszket
jucken to itch

I counted the bills and saw that ten thousand Lire were still missing. The old man return to the children, grabbed the oldest one for a second time and hit him again. A minute later he came back with the missing.
They wanted to know everything about relationships in Switzerland. One of the asked me of how guys propose friendships to girls. I did not know what she meant and explained that we were very informal.
I made plans to visit a surfing contest with a girl that I have met on the first day. We agreed to meet at ten in the morning at her place. I couldn't keep my eyes open and decided to quit.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of itch   [ itched, itched ]