German Dictionary

Translation of kapitulieren

kapitulieren to surrender    ; to capitulate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Mutige Soldaten würden eher sterben als kapitulieren.

Brave soldiers would rather die than surrender.
kapitulieren; verzichten to surrender

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Coniralu is the fifth school, for which I work as an agent in Europe (currently 3 of them actively). For all other schools I have found many students. The earliest connections came after 4-5 weeks.
I live right next to Montpellier, in a small town near the coast, in France. I have no children and I'm learning Spanish because I like foreign languages. I learn vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulix helps me a lot.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kapitulieren
kapituliere  kapitulierst  kapituliert  kapitulieren  kapituliert  kapitulieren  kapitulierte  kapituliertest  kapitulierte  kapitulierten  kapituliertet  kapitulierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of capitulate   [ capitulated, capitulated ]