German Dictionary

Translation of Klassenzimmer

das Klassenzimmer the classroom    ; the schoolroom    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Zimmermann schnitt die Tafel zurecht, um sie in das neue Klassenzimmer einzupassen.

The carpenter trimmed the chalkboard to fit it into the new classroom.
Dieselben Regeln treffen im Klassenzimmer und im Hinterhof der Schule zu. The same rules apply in the classroom and in the backyard of the school.
Klassenzimmer sind heute voller, und der Arbeitsaufwand der Lehrer ist erheblich gestiegen. Classrooms are fuller today, and teachers' workload has increased significantly.
Klasse / Klassenzimmer class / classroom
Klasse/Klassenzimmer class/classroom
das Klassenzimmer the classroom(s)
Klassenzimmer classroom

The earlier you go to the top of the mountains the fewer people are on the slopes. I love the sound of the ski-lifts and seeing the villages disappear in the distance while I move up to the mountains.
He advised against traveling in this region at night as they were many violent robberies and one should return before dusk. He told me that he himself got robbed about two months earlier just here.
What time zone are you in or where are you located (city, state, country)? The time and date that you gave is according to your time zone, I guess. But I need to compare it in our log files.
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