German Dictionary

Translation of kombinieren

kombinieren to combine    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das Konzert kombinierte einen Chor mit einem Kammermusikensemble.

The concert combined a choir with a chamber music ensemble.
Sie liebte die kulinarischen Genüsse, die frische Kokosnüsse mit frischem Honig kombinierten. She loved the culinary delights that combined fresh coconuts with fresh honey.
kombinieren; vereinen combine
kombinieren combine; mixed

They played a lot of music (very old fashioned music) and sold apples, cookies, cakes and many drinks. Having enjoyed the apple festival we went for a walk outside the village, meaning the woods.
I took my backpack and looked for a minibus that would take me a little outside of the town to a small settlement called El Panchan. I arrived there very early and no rooms were available yet.
I do not know if you have a webmaster or not. However I will send you the entire code that must be inserted. If you need help, please tell me and I will help you further! Don't worry about it.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kombinieren
kombiniere  kombinierst  kombiniert  kombinieren  kombiniert  kombinieren  kombinierte  kombiniertest  kombinierte  kombinierten  kombiniertet  kombinierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of combine   [ combined, combined ]