German Dictionary

Translation of Korona

die Korona the corona    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Mit Sonnenbrillen saßen wie neben dem Geysir und betrachteten die Korona um die schwarze Sonne herum.

Wearing sunglasses, we sat next to the geyser and watching the corona around the black sun.

In England, a man would still open a door to a woman, but in other countries this habbit is less common. In a way, habits that existed hundred years ago slowly loose their meaning and importance.
Please respond as soon as possible and we will try to fit the best solution. Oh, and we definitely need to change the sentence!!! Some good thoughts you had. We will check the trick with the auto complete...
We spent the entire day doing nothing, just waiting for the night train which would take us into the northern mountain area of Vietnam, close to the Chinese border. The train left at around ten.
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