German Dictionary

Translation of leiden

leiden  to suffer     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Tom fand Übelkeit war kein sehr maskulines Leiden und sagte nichts.

Tom felt nausea was not a very masculine problem and said nothing.
Die Frau litt unter einer seltenen Shrimp- und Garnelenphobie. The woman suffered from a rare shrimp and prawn phobia.
Mein Stiefvater leidet an Fruktoseintoleranz. My stepfather is suffering from fructose intolerance.
leiden tot; zu etw. führen to lead to; led; led
erleiden; leiden (an;unter) (to) suffer (from)
Gebrechen, Leiden ailment ['ailment](1)
an Asthma leiden to suffer from asthma
leiden; ertragen; zulassen to suffer
Das Leid, Leiden The sorrow, sorrows
nicht leiden können can't stand
Krankheit, leiden disease; (*:s)(1)
leiden(an, unter) suffer (from)

As promised in our short conversation here a quick introduction about the entire process. We had great success in Richard Young's restaurant. I will call you on Monday. Meanwhile, happy new year!
The woman has to decide if she wants to carry the baby or to have an abortion. She is a victim of her own situation, suffering restlessly and thinking continuously about her unwanted pregnancy.
In the end we decided just to take the picture and place it as the logo. It seems nice and it may make the user more curious, so that he will go to your page. Tell me if you do not agree with me!
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of leiden
leide  leidest  leidet  leiden  leidet  leiden  litt  littest  litt  litten  littet  litten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of suffer   [ suffered, suffered ]