German Dictionary

Translation of loslassen

loslassen to let go

Translation by Vocabulix


loslassen to let go; to let go of; let, let, let
aufgeben; loslassen; abgeben to relinquish
entlassen; loslassen; lösen release
freilassen / loslassen to release
loslassen von let go of

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
Regretably they are fighting at the wrong 'frontline'. They are fighting there because there they can win. Nothing gets solved though. One needs to tackle the real issues and not flee for political reasons.
We landed at the same airport were we have started our trip three weeks earlier (before continuing to Cambodia), however this time we would stay for two days in the city. We were back in SE Asia.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of loslassen
lasse los  lässt los  lässt los  lassen los  lasst los  lassen los  ließ los  ließest los  ließ los  ließen los  ließt los  ließen los