German Dictionary

Translation of mogeln

mogeln to cheat    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Richard wird all seine Freunde verlieren, wenn er weiterhin während dem Pokerspiel mogelt.

Rick will lose all his friends if he continues to cheat while playing poker.
mogeln; schummeln; betrügen to cheat
mogeln; schummeln to cheat

Robert wants to tell us not only about nature and its secrets but also about the ability of the human being to recognize what happens around us. We see only the nice side if we just read and do not analyze.
Other tourists needed to check out first before others could check in. I wanted to see the ruins on the same day and booked a tour in this little jungle settlement and waited for the tour guide.
We would like to inform you that we have added image association lessons. You are right: no native English speaker has read the instructions in English yet, except our Scottish born web-designer.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of mogeln
mogle  mogelst  mogelt  mogeln  mogelt  mogeln  mogelte  mogeltest  mogelte  mogelten  mogeltet  mogelten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of cheat   [ cheated, cheated ]