German Dictionary

Translation of Müllcontainer

der Müllcontainer the dumpster    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Ratten regierten den Müllcontainer nahe der Stadt.

Rats ruled the dumpster near the city.

It actually happened to my cousin's youngest kid. He was repeatedly warned not to smoke in the courtyard of the school. At the end he found himself expelled from the school. It could have been an interesting experience for him though.
Was that all? I was sure that I had a lot more mistakes, because I did not know how to express myself properly. Maybe I am a natural born talent. I am just kidding. Let me know if you need something else.
I hope this time you are in Germany and we can see each other more than last time at the airport terminal. I've got your current phone numbers and e-mail from George and I will contact you.
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