German Dictionary

Translation of Mulch

der Mulch the mulch    

Translation by Vocabulix


Can you send me the link code for this language too? Is this product downloadable or available only by shipment? What other verb tutorial products do you have? Do you have a basic Verb Module?
We all know that the consequences are awful. All are struggling, some kill eachother, mostly for really foolish reasons. They are not aware of it. Drugs should never be tolerated in any country.
Yes, depending on demand. Vocabulix is a free service, but no one wanted to finance the German voices yet, which cost a little bit, so we started with Spanish and English which has higher demand.
More dictionary words Modeschmuck    Mimose    Menschenmenge    Mauer    Mandelbrotmenge    Luzifer    Linie    Leitartikel    Laufrolle    Labor   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of mulch   [ mulched, mulched ]