German Dictionary

Translation of nahen

nahen to approach    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Fokus verschob sich zum Nahen Osten als die Schlagzeilen ausbrachen.

The focus shifted to the Middle East when the headlines broke.
Alle Parteien arbeiteten hart daran Frieden im Nahen Osten zu erreichen, aber bis jetzt ohne Erfolg. All parties have worked hard to achieve peace in the middle east but so far without success.
Ehen zwischen nahen Verwandten waren früher im Adel üblich. Marriage between close kin used to be common among the aristocracy.

I did not want to give them any money so they became more aggresive and began holding my hand and said 'please, please' all the time. Finally I decided to give them some money but could not find the wallet.
Other tourists needed to check out first before others could check in. I wanted to see the ruins on the same day and booked a tour in this little jungle settlement and waited for the tour guide.
We felt a little awkward to be the only people in the restaurant and felt a little uncomfortable having taken with us another couple. In addition the Uruguayan cook and owner was drunk, but the food was excellent.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of approach   [ approached, approached ]